AIM Herbal FiberBlend ™ and its Benefits
Whole body health results when all body systems are in balance. No single body system is targeted-we make choices that keep all systems toxin-free and that supply all systems with optimum nutrition. The result is total wellness: waking up every day feeling great!
Herbal Fiberblend provides the initial detoxification you need to start down the road to and maintain whole body health. Its combination of fiber and cleansing herbs also provides the perfect way to keep your digestive system clean and maintain your digestive health.
- Helps maintain whole body health
- Helps maintain digestive health
- Detoxifies
- Reduces transit time
- Helps maintain regular bowel movements
- More thorough evacuation of waste
- Fiber studies show that soluble fiber helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels and may reduce incidences of diverticulosis, colon cancer, and appendicitis
- More than 10 years of safe and beneficial use by AIM Members
- Contains the soluble fiber psyllium and more than 15 cleansing herbs
- Good source of fiber: 9-10 grams per 2 tablespoon serving
- 16-oz canisters (raspberry [original] and cinnamon)
- 12-oz canisters (lemon) check the other links for more info on this subject, or click on your country to order your AIM Herbal FiberBlend ™ now.
Buy 375g Herbal FiberBlend online, best prices. | Australia | New Zealand | USA | Canada | S Africa | U.K. |